Head of
the Herd
UB Bucking Co. is trailblazing through the industry with some of the world’s rankest bovines. With over 20 athletes on their roster, being expertly cared for, trained, and transported by 2023 PBR Stock Contractor of the Year Blake Sharp, UB’s mission is to change the narrative surrounding the importance of the bulls - from animals to athletes - and the teams behind them.
See you at the chute!
Utz Bestex
From Sub-Contractors to Stock Contractors

It all starts when Utz Environmental owner Chris Utz and the Carey brothers of BesTex Solutions, Chris and Garrett, meet as local construction contractors. After years of friendship, while bonding over their love for Western sports and their Texan roots, they decide to partner and launch Utz BesTex Bucking Company in 2022 by investing in their first three bulls: 118 Legend, R62 Smokestack and W600 Red Clark.
And, well, the rest is history.